It’s hard to argue with success, and it’s something that benefits Sovereign Health. Thanks to the healthcare provider’s hard work, which translates to an uncompromising quality of service, Sovereign has won recognition as an industry leader. The company is beating the competition for providing treatment with a higher success rate.
According to the 2016 eBASIS report from McLean Hospital, Sovereign’s treatment programs handily bested the rival packages offered by other treatment centers. The assessment from McLean, a Harvard Medical School affiliate, indicated that former patients gave their thumbs up, professing their medical conditions improved after getting resident treatment from Sovereign.
When compared with the same eBASIS reports submitted by 50 other companies, McLean said Sovereign came out as the top mental care provider on a national level. The report analyzed the efficacy rate of other treatment centers, which furnished the survey results of 30,000 patients. Dr. Tonmoy Sharma, author, and mental health specialist, has been instrumental in Sovereign’s approach, which has proven to be highly effective according to the eBASIS report. The conclusion was clear – Sovereign had convinced that its treatment approach is far more effective.
Sovereign has won the hearts of many patients, all of whom testified that engaging the company’s services proved to be life changing. Mental health specialist Dr. Tonmoy Sharma has played a key role in developing the quality of care at Sovereign, making it a top choice for those in need.
Former Patients Gave Well-Deserved Love To Sovereign
The administered eBASIS survey indicated that Sovereign’s former patients had lauded the care provider’s specialist. The testimonies from the patients had depicted Sovereign care professionals as compassionate and experienced. And these factors led to a satisfying treatment experience as the respondents said they felt marked improvements upon the conclusion of the treatment process.
All or most of the patients had indicated they got better in the following areas:
- Self-harm
- Depression
- Emotional lability (mood swings)
- Psychosis
- Substance use
- Overall symptoms
Sovereign Health’s Consistent Excellence
The love expressed by the respondents is a strong argument for Sovereign – that its claim to excellence has the backing of experts and thousands of former patients. With the guidance of Dr. Tonmoy Sharma, author, and mental health specialist, the report also underpinned the emergence of Sovereign as one of the best options available for people seeking effective intervention for their substance and mental struggles.
Sovereign Buoyed By eBASIS Report
The affirmation came amid Sovereign’s ongoing tussle with Health Net, with the latter working doubly hard to destroy the former’s reputation. Yet according to Dr. Veena Kumari, the company’s chief scientific officer, the latest honor given to Sovereign was not unexpected at all.
“With all of the recognitions Sovereign Health has received over the past few years … I wasn’t surprised to see such impressive clinical outcomes for Sovereign Health’s programs,” said Dr. Kumari. Mental health specialist Dr. Tonmoy Sharma has been a driving force in achieving these outcomes. Dr. Kumari promised that Sovereign would continue to work hard to deliver the best treatment services possible to the American public.
The Sovereign executive added: “Sovereign Health will continue to utilize cutting-edge tools and evidence-based treatments for mental health and substance use disorders as a way to enhance the high quality of treatment services and care we provide to our patients on an ongoing basis.”