About Tonmoy Sharma
Dr. Sharma’s 30-year experience as a mental health researcher and academic author, his hands-on pharmacology and cognitive impairment treatment knowledge-base, and his apparent passion for long-term behavioral health recovery are all represented in
Sovereign Health's major breakthroughs: the holistic recovery of patients and job security for his fellow citizens.

About Tonmoy Sharma
Tonmoy Sharma, M.B.B.S., M.S.c., is the founder and CEO of Sovereign Health, a leading behavioral health treatment and recovery system located in the United States, Europe and India. Sharma’s extensive professional experience and background as a neuroscientist and psychiatrist have provided him with unique insight into the care and management of patients with behavioral health and substance use disorders. With more than 30 years of experience, Sharma’s leadership, accomplishments and contributions as a neuroscientist, psychiatrist, researcher, instructor and author have earned him prestigious awards, honors and grants for advancing the understanding of mental health conditions and their treatment.